Thanks for following my blog. I like photo based blogs. I don't even have any photos on mine, so I especially appreciate seeing all the photos on other blogs. I look forward to seeing more.
Hi Cherie, thanks for stopping by my blog. Momma is not the most saavy when it comes to the page setup stuff but we did, thanks to your comment add a subscription thingine that allows you to use google...if there is something else, please help educate us.
Albuquerque is no stranger to dust storms, so we got a special kick out of the post. We love your photos and can't wait to learn more about your family!
Oh No!! Run Dorothy! Run! I hope the pups weren't lost in your dust cloud!
Wow, we never saw a picture like dat before. Good shot.
cough cough hack hack...
you can have some of our rain if you like :)
We have alot of dust storms here in Washington State. I'm origanaly
from Texas, we had them their too.
Great job on the photo.
Una toma estupenda, esas montañas son bellisimas. Un abrazo.
Thanks for following my blog. I like photo based blogs. I don't even have any photos on mine, so I especially appreciate seeing all the photos on other blogs. I look forward to seeing more.
Hi Cherie, thanks for stopping by my blog. Momma is not the most saavy when it comes to the page setup stuff but we did, thanks to your comment add a subscription thingine that allows you to use google...if there is something else, please help educate us.
Albuquerque is no stranger to dust storms, so we got a special kick out of the post. We love your photos and can't wait to learn more about your family!
4 feet of snow in my backyard 10-12 inches more tomorrow... I'd like a little dust right about now.
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