I'm guessing that your roses are very scented growing in a more arid region?
In regards to your query about how to improve your lavender. A fairly good trimming back all over, plus a generous application of compost should help...they are supposed to be drought tolerant, but as they perform well in a winter rainfall region, I think they do best with extra watering.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Truth is I am still very much a novice at this. I will give you an example...I saw a herd of steer on the road the other day, wanted to take a picture but chose to be on time for work and regreted not taking the opportunity. In the afternoon there was the same herd at my fence. I ran into the house grabbed the camera and was taking pictures like crazy. Later checked out the pictures and every single one of them was a blur. I was too excited to check the settings!! Now that is sooooo beginner. :o)
Cherie, I always look forward to your gorgeous photos. A rose by a rose..... I bet your house is filled with your original art.
I'm guessing that your roses are very scented growing in a more arid region?
In regards to your query about how to improve your lavender. A fairly good trimming back all over, plus a generous application of compost should help...they are supposed to be drought tolerant, but as they perform well in a winter rainfall region, I think they do best with extra watering.
Your pictures always make our day. You could turn into a professional photographer because you are so very good.
I thought you were a professional!
Thank you so much for your lovely comments. Truth is I am still very much a novice at this. I will give you an example...I saw a herd of steer on the road the other day, wanted to take a picture but chose to be on time for work and regreted not taking the opportunity. In the afternoon there was the same herd at my fence. I ran into the house grabbed the camera and was taking pictures like crazy. Later checked out the pictures and every single one of them was a blur. I was too excited to check the settings!! Now that is sooooo beginner. :o)
the colors are just gorgeous. Waiting for when we see colors like that in Michigan. With our weather lately I seriously doubt we ever will
I can smell it from here! Lovely!
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